Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Maine thing is...

I've neglected the map for awhile! If you can see the yellow highlights, those are the tracks I've made around the northeast the past month+. All leading into Maine!

I didn't have a ton of time in Maine, so stuck to the coast and stopped in Acadia National Park--which I knew, from a visit nearly 15 years ago was a slam-dunk. I can't remember exactly what parts of the park we visited when I went there with three of my friends my last year of college, but this time I hiked up Gorham Mountain from Sand Beach and then took the Ocean Trail back to my car.

Some brave soul went all the way into the water, but it was chilly out, and I can only imagine how cold the Atlantic was. I didn't even take my Bogs off.

Being on Sand Beach was the first time in the visit when I felt jolted into remembering that I'd been to that exactly place before, long ago...when it was apparently just as chilly (though fall) but much less cloudy and misty out, at least at times.

After hiking, I continued northeast along the coast to Pembroke, where an awesome CouchSurfing host let me stay in this fantastic cabin on her property, complete with outhouse, outdoor shower, and chamber pot. LOVE IT.

As if that wasn't enough, she made us Maine lobster, caught that day as locally as you can get.

We also had another very local dish: steamed fiddleheads, given to me by my previous night's CouchSurfing host in Bangor.

Tummy full of locavore delicacies and a soft rain starting to fall outside the screen windows of the cabin, I fell asleep for my last night on the States-side of the border, my cell phone already picking up Canadian signals and Atlantic time....

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