The finicky August Maldivian weather finally caught up with me and the wonderful guy who ran the hotel I stayed at on Omadhoo recommended I take a boat back to MalĂ© a day early while there was for sure one to take, as boats were getting cancelled right and left, creating a definite danger I could get stuck on Omadhoo while my plane home left without me. I took his advice. So my idyllic island days ended a day earlier than planned, but will loom large in my memory as such a beautiful time regardless. For now I’m heading back to the US for a month of friends and family time but I’ll see you back here in the second half of September to continue the adventure….
The World is Our Oyster
Adventures in Traveling the Globe!
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Sunday, August 11, 2024
The third and final idyllic Maldivian island I’m getting to visit on this trip. Just as much as I enjoy these gorgeous beaches, I love watching the locals enjoy them in their own way.
Friday, August 9, 2024
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
In favor of the off-season
It’s not a very popular time of the year for tourists in the Maldives right now, as there is a good chance of (gasp!) rain, wind, and/cloudy skies. So the hotels are discounted and the islands I’ve been to so far are quiet. If you ask me, all that plus the music of an intense downpour, the way it breaks the heat and humidity, the cooler temps from some-times overcast skies, and the beauty of watching a storm cloud roll in over the ocean are all total joy. (Though ask me again if a full-blown monsoon rolls in while I’m here!)