Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Weekly snapshot #20

Ooh, these are finally starting to get so fun!

Temps are now down in the range they'll probably be for big chunks of the winter. Doubtless we'll have colder spells, but from what I hear you'll probably be seeing plenty of -75 over the coming months. It's cold out, obviously, but I don't know...the scale really changes! Each morning my option is to walk to work down the many stairs of the big, cylindrical stairwell we call the beer can, which often smells like poop, or to walk a little roundabout way outside, entering the logistics arch through its bay doors. I'm really enjoying getting bundled up and walking outside each morning and more often than not, through my cozy head-to-toe clothing, I'm thinking: "Gosh, what a beautiful day." Seriously!

It's much less appealing or even realistic to stay out for extended periods now, though. Last week, co-workers H & K and I had some tasks to do out in the "backyard" of the station and we were out walking around for about 1.5 hrs in -70F temps. We were all mighty chilly when we finally got back in, and H adorably said, "That was fun; let's never do it again!"


...and the sun creeps ever lower, just a couple of degrees above the horizon now. Soon I should be able to take sunset pictures in the direction of the sun without blinding myself and ruining my camera. Our special sunset dinner is scheduled for March 26th. Better enjoy these dwindling days of light.

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