Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Weekly snapshot #19

Finally these snapshots might be pretty interesting for a few weeks! The temps are dropping...

...and the sun is now only about 5 degrees above the horizon, casting long shadows across the plateau even at mid-day. The list is so lovely--kind of getting that golden feeling. We're not working outside so much now that it's too cold for most of the machines to run, but I'm still walking outside to go down to the Materials office every morning, and it's starting to feel really cozy to get all bundled up and then step outside into the incredible crispness.

You can also see in this picture that they've put up the flag line to the Dark Sector ("dark" as in no radio use allowed out there, as it interferes with the data the telescopes are collecting). This is so that when the sky gets dark and the station won't be visible from the telescopes and vice versa, people walking back and forth (which will still happen pretty much every day) can see from flag to flag to find their way there and back. Things are about to change in a big way!

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