Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Welcome to Sri Lanka!

 Though I don’t have a ton of pictures to share yet, that is unrepresentative of how full and great my first couple days in Sri Lanka have been. The part of the Colombo I’m staying in is not particularly picturesque, but the people are nice, the food is great, and it’s easy enough to walk around if you don’t mind sweating your way to a drowned-rat state (that’s just me; all the locals look normal) and playing Frogger with your own body once in awhile to cross a busy street.

I’ve had delicious breakfasts, run a bunch of logistical errands to ensure my telecommunications situation and replace the umbrella I already lost, met up with a fellow RPCV from Madagascar, and am thrilled to already have had conversations with two local women for my fellowship project. 

Much, much more to come, including experimenting with the local, Uber-like website where you can call for a ride in one of these bad boys (which might also help with the drowned-rat issue)….

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