Friday, May 17, 2019

Around camp

A little more about camp, aside from where I sleep (and where I work, which I will get to!):

The Big House is the super-cozy space where we eat and hang out and where the operations team is centered. There's also a full bathroom and washer and dryer here, which is the main access for that kind of thing for about half of the 28 of us here right now. Many, many hours spent in this room already.

There are all these really sweet, homey touches, including windowsill plants! It's amazing what little things make such a big difference and aren't possible in Antarctica due to the strict environmental regulations of the International Antarctic Treaty, but that the Greenlandic government is much more lax about.

Here's a picture of the main room of The Big House from a different angle, showing the kitchen (on the left) and dish pit (on the right) in back.

The food here is AMAZING. Chef K is squatting behind the counter here, and this picture was taken mid-process of her setting out dinner. All she has out so far is dessert and a salad. But really, that could have been a full meal if you ask me!

The two other biggest buildings on station are The Green House (not a green house with plants; a building painted green) and the SMG (Summit Mobile Garage, where the mechanics work on heavy equipment), both pictured here:

As you can see, The Green House is now mostly underground, due to three feet of snow accumulation per year up here. It contains some berthing space, a lounge, an emergency kitchen, science offices, another full bathroom, and the medical office on station.

This is a far smaller station than South Pole, even though in other ways it looks and feels a lot like it. And there is a heavy emphasis on using equipment, including snow machines, as little as possible.

Next time: polar bears!

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