Thursday, April 19, 2018

Weekly snapshot #8

By next week's snapshot, we will officially be in polar winter, in the sense that the sun will have stopped rising at all (though I'm sure there will still be some light in the sky for a few more weeks). The view outside today at noon:

Still pretty mild temps, with an overall atmosphere that still feels way less like the planet is trying to kill us than it does at Pole.

The other big news of the week is that there was a plane! Nearly 60 people left, and a bit less than 20 arrived, and now we are a family of 133 for the next two+ months, till the June flight. Here is the cargo bay of the building where everyone had to check in for the outgoing flight. I'm standing at the doorway where the passengers are about to start filtering through, and I got to be part of the "hug line" you see here, a McMurdo tradition of those of us (pictured) who are staying behind, saying goodbye to the departing folks just before they climb on board transport to the airfield. A bittersweet experience, with so many people leaving whom I'm grateful to have gotten to know!

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