Friday, May 20, 2016

XX Days Since My Last Alarm

After a day when a fire sensor down in the cold arches where I work went into alarm mode, sending the whole station into emergency response...and not once, but twice, just about an hour of the wise-guys here made this pocket flap for W, our fire tech. Pretty silly but it did work quite well. No more alarms for awhile after that.

(P.S. Don't know if I've mentioned this before, but fire-fighting readiness is a REALLY BIG DEAL in Antarctica. It didn't make sense to me at first because it's so cold here and there's so much snow; how long could a fire really last and how bad could it really be? But then I realized that if fire seriously damages the walls of the station we live in to the extent that they are no longer effectively insulated, that's pretty much the end of getting anything done down here until help can we'd be spending all of our time and energy huddled in whatever warm spaces there still were and being in survival mode...and that's the best case scenario.)

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