Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Weekly snapshot #11

Before I give you the weekly snapshot, I just had to share that I'm starting to prepare for my winter job (which I'll explain more when the time comes), which involves learning to drive these loaders, which is how I spent my afternoon! I'm realizing that these pictures don't give any sense of scale, except that a bit of my shadow is cast in the second one. Suffice it to say, they are PLENTY big for my first experience of operating heavy equipment, and I couldn't quite believe that the guy who was training me just gave me a run-down of what does what and then set me loose in them to drive around and practice lifting pallets and moving them around in the cargo yard. I guess there's only one way to learn, but....perhaps we should all be very afraid? :) The first one is only for summer use and they get stored away for the winter, but the big daddy in the second picture is what I'll use when I need to move stuff around outside in the winter months.

Okay, and then here's your weekly snapshot. Probably looks just like all the other ones, I guess, though the summer is definitely on its way out--the wind felt mighty chilly today. And I swear, as I'm typing this, the sky outside is so white with the wind that you can't tell much of a difference between sky and snow. But of course, when I took the picture it looked flawless out as usual!

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