Sunday, December 21, 2014

It's a harsh continent

In most of the outside pictures I have posted, the weather here is flawlessly sunny and clear. And that is actually what it is like here 24/7, most of the time. Once in awhile, though, the wind kicks up or changes direction and something different blows in. The view out the windows looks mighty different when that happens.

(The plane in this shot is a tourist plane and the blue camp behind the flags is an NGO tourist camp; more on that later.) I love the thin stripe of blue sky visible just above the horizon on this one.

When the weather turns, it's a lot easier to understand the favorite slogan around here: "It's a harsh continent." That's the fallback excuse/explanation used whenever things get difficult or don't go our way down here. Through overuse, it starts to sound flat-out comical to me. But maybe it shouldn't, because ultimate it's just flat-out true.

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