Thursday, January 23, 2014


Even when you're inside in a tropical climate, you're still pretty much outside. All sorts of critters have been a big part of our lives here. There are a couple of huge toads that come to visit us in our open-air yoga practice space every night, especially when it's windy and they're trying to get some shelter behind the support beams. Geckos everywhere. Monkeys in the trees all around the property; they love to hoot and holler at the end of our practices, for some reason. One morning, our animal-loving instructor had to kill a scorpion as big as her hand that was determined to rush toward the head of one of my fellow students as she was in her final resting pose oblivious to the danger. I also found a smaller scorpion in our bathroom one night, but failed to get a picture. Hopefully there will be more critter pics to come as I travel around Nicaragua a bit more in February, but here you go, for now. Oh, and sorry about the jackhammer in the background of the video. The non-jackhammer sound is the sound of the monkeys.


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