Thursday, March 23, 2023

Back in Alaska!

Well hello again, and happy 2023!

I am back in Alaska for a third spring. With no more quarantines to prevent bringing COVID into camp (which makes me sad...I LOVE quarantine!) and a sooner start date anyway, I am up in the tundra a month earlier than I have been before, and it's been so fun to see a couple glimpses of the northern lights and be in camp when it's so quiet (just five of us here as I type this!).

I was not sure what it would be like to make the nine-hour drive north from Fairbanks to Toolik this time of year (well, last week), but the day was gorgeous and the Dalton was in great shape. And I got a kick out of getting to drive on the patches that were still just ice.

So here are some photos of the drive, and I'll pop in every so often in the next couple months to send you some pics from around the tundra neighborhood. If you're bored of northern Alaska photos by now, sorry! Come back in July for something new and different.