Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Local friends

One of the fun things about still having so much sea ice around for the first few weeks here is that there were seals hanging out and about. With their babies!

Our most ubiquitous animal friends are sheathbills, very curious, white birds that hang out with us almost all the time, will eat anything we let them (from the cover of the hot tub to our poop as it comes out of the station outfall pipe), and leave their adorable footprints everywhere.

They tend to pair up and (at least when they have not been hanging out by the outfall and are wearing that evidence on their feathers) can be quite adorable as they bob around station, checking out all the action and bobbing their heads around everywhere.

Once the sea ice broke up a bit, the animal visits to station multiplied exponentially. Penguins started hopping up on the rocks down by the pier to hang out for a bit...

...a baby elephant seal decided the side of the boat house was fantastic place to rest for a weekend...

...and some sea stars were visible alongside the dock ramp.

I have to admit, predictable as it is, the penguins are my favorite. They are just so endlessly entertaining to watch. The way they move is so funny and endearing and awkward, and they just seem so cheerful and optimistic. I just love it.

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