Friday, July 22, 2016

What now?

For the first time since I got down here in October, I do not have a backlog of posts ready to go and had to go looking through my pictures for something to give you this weekend. I came up with these pics, of me and my froworker K, pretending to warm ourselves by one of the test smudge pots the fire team was trying out prior to the medevac last month. The first shot was taken by someone we asked to come out there with us for the purpose, and the second was taken with a telephoto lens through the window of the cargo office by someone who wanted to stay inside while we had our little photo shoot. And it really is just all for show; getting close enough to the fire to actually feel its warmth put one in the danger zone for being completely engulfed in flame should a gust of wind suddenly blow in the opposite direction. Still, I love how both these photos turned out and figured I'd share.

The main chatter around station this week is that it's only about 100 days now until the station opens for the summer and those of us on the winter crew will start filtering out of here. It sounds so short to me! I get a little sad, and I have to keep reminding myself that we still have three solid months left. When I think of all that has happened in the past three months, it's a nice reminder that there is a lot of good stuff still to come--it ain't over, yet. And hopefully that stuff still to come will start happening soon so I'm not scraping the bottom of the barrel for next weekend's post....

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