Friday, June 24, 2016

Life with 48...make that 46.

Very happy to report that the medical evacuation of two of our crew went off without a hitch on Wednesday, and they are safely in South America receiving treatment before continuing on to the U.S. We're waiting for the NSF to approve pictures taken of the evacuation efforts, and if/when that happens I'll post some of those and describe more about that crazy day.

In the meantime, we are now a crew of 46 rather than 48 for the duration of the winter.

My froworker (friend + co-worker = froworker? or co-friend? No. I'll keep working on that...) H posted on her blog about how weird it is how well we've all gotten to know each other and our habits down here. Rather than try to recreate it, I'll just send you her way this week with this embedded link. My sentiments exactly!

Oh, and here is that photo I promised earlier of the 2016 South Pole Winter-over group. Four people were missing for this shot, taken several weeks ago, but I think it still does the job. I'm kneeling at the far right in the black and green jacket.

1 comment:

  1. Good to read the evacuation went so well. Without being told I sure wouldn't have known which was was you. I like froworker.
