Thursday, January 8, 2015

The view

Not the television program, but the view out the window from South Pole station. It looks pretty much like this, 24/7. You'd think it would get dull, but it's always strangely beautiful!

Sometimes there's a faint fog on the horizon, and I hear sometimes it gets socked in, but really, this has pretty consistently been it. Antarctica is the coldest, highest, and driest continent. So especially in the summer, it really doesn't snow much here. That's hard to believe when all you can see in any direction is snow. But when it does snow, it NEVER MELTS. So it just keeps building up, year after year. Pretty incredible.

Speaking of a TV show, though, let's take a question from the peanut gallery:

Q: From D.L. (Savannah, GA): “Is there satellite TV available at the Pole?”

A: Nope. There are TONS of DVDs, plus VHS and even Beta tapes here and two big screens in lounges to watch on, plus old TVs you can take to your room or plug in elsewhere to watch what you want, but no live TV available. Someone organized an "NFL night" on Friday nights where they show old games (not sure how he gets them), but that's about as good as it gets as far as current TV!

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