Friday, May 31, 2024


 I love this juxtaposition, old against new, which seems like Singapore’s thing. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

On the road again

After an extremely lovely couple of months Stateside soaking up time with family and friends, I’m on my way to my second fellowship destination. But first: I’m happy to be riding out the jet lag of flying to Asia with a few days in Singapore. New territory for me, and a very calm, easy, clean, friendly, soft landing. I have a cozy bed at a hostel in Chinatown, and when I’m not sleeping off my stupor I’ll be strolling the streets of this city/state/nation, filled with the happy buzz of yet another new adventure. 

Must mention: they have fresh O..J. vending machines here, people. Like the machine is filled with oranges and you put in your money and the machine squeezes the oranges for you. Wonders never cease. I’ll report back. For now: